Thursday 26 June 2014

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Li Changguo flight is much more than just been a smooth flight distance is not much to grow almost five Liuzhang gentile. After re- examination, Li Changguo as people got a hundred pounds of wood, Long Wu army carried a height of about two feet at. Li Changguo carrying kite up, put logs tied kite down. Li Changguo not speak Gosuha Oakley sunglasses busy divvying up to come and help, the kite fiercely pushed out. Everyone 's eyes wide with rounded, afraid to miss a little detail. To witness the miracle of the moment !

The crowd broke out in a terrible roar, everyone eager eyes shining light. To now, no one knows, Li Changguo this is offensive to break the Hukou efforts, if this method is effective, it will be broken broken spout. This is Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses favorite things, who does not like it? Seeing the kite has dropped ten feet, which is half the height of the flight is still very smooth, no problems, Gosuha Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses shot eyes blazing light, the attack broke Hukou have hope.