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Master speaker,Babyliss, I certainly do not dare from, but here are priceless treasure every one, to receive a multi- Qi Luo Ying Wuhou I give myself a reward, certainly not low, with one happy smile, this is called Spike guard, call the soul stone toward the store with a white light group is lasing away. Excitement in the Qin Yi, suddenly found a black silhouette flying away towards the call soul stone, mind could not help burst of nervous agitation eruption of systemic golden infuriating, Ta launched quickly turned clouds step towards the black mulberry outlet figure is rapid flew away.

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Xue Wu burst from a boom,babyliss curl, and a piece of flesh flying out from under the Qin Yi boxing, Spike, senior Wu Ling on this valiant Houfu buried under the iron fist of justice under the Qin. See their two senior weapons brought spiritual warriors, all have been the hostility of Qin Yi, lost their lives, Qi Luo 's heart felt like a knife in general pain, Wu Ling senior soldiers are likely to become promoted Wu Zong existence, though not top fighting force, but also very difficult to develop a while now, but it became a fist under the Qin Yi spirits.
